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UN Activity

NGO Speech about Okinawa Prefecture Issue on 55th UN Human Rights Councils

Fujiki Had Speeches as NGO Member on 55th UN Human Rights Councils

South Korean revisionist historical view on “Sado Gold Mines”

Written Statement "Comfort women issue, longstanding contentious issue between Japan and the Republic of Korea." on 52nd UN Human Rights Counsil

NGO Speech "The Issue of the Mobilized Workers" on 52nd UN Human Rights Cousil

136 Sessions of  International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

NGO Speech "Infringement of Human Rights towards Japanese and Other Country People by People Republic of China Goverment"on 52nd United Nations Human Rights Council “Item4” Oral Statement

2022/April NGO Speeches and Statements on 49th Session of United Nations Human Rights Councils

Written Statement “Regarding the Imperial House Act, the provisions of which currently exclude women from succeeding to the royal throne, please provide details on the steps envisaged to enable female succession to the throne.” on UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women

Written Statement “Succession to the Imperial Throne by Paternal-lined Male” on UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women “Succession to the Imperial Throne by Paternal-lined Male”

NGO Speech “Infringement of Human Rights towards Japanese and Other Country People by People Republic of China Goverment”on 52nd United Nations Human Rights Council “Item4” Oral Statement

44th UN Human Right Council Joint Written Statement about Comfort Women Issue by Korean Deceitful NGO

NGO Speech about "Comfort Women Issue" on 43rd Session of UN Human Rights Counsil

NGO Speech on 43rd UNHRC about The Japanese Government invites Chinese President Xi Jinping to Japan as a state guest

Senior Research Fellow Shun Fujiki Speeches 40th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council Meeting March 13, 2019

Senior Research Fellow Shun Fujiki Speeches 40th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council Meeting March 11, 2019


NOTICE: "Editorials" are written by members of the institute on a rotating basis. While reflecting on historical perspectives, institute members address and analyze current pressing issues, and provide recommendations. However, please note that the content is solely authored by individual members in their personal capacity and does not represent the unified stance of the institute.

Shunichi Fujiki What has changed through the decade of activities at the United Nations ledby the International Research Institute of Controversial Histories? Jul 2024

Yoshiaki Yano Should Japan become a Global Partner with the U.S. Biden Administration—The Corrupt and Degraded Biden Administration and the Danger of Globalism Jun 2024

Fujiko Miyamoto South Korea should restore Kanji Apr 2024

Tsukasa Shirakawa Why the Science Council of Japan should be excluded from the status of “national organ” Feb 2024

Satoru Nakamura The danger of the “anti-discrimination struggle” aiming to dissolve Japan and the way to fight it Feb 2024

Shoichiro Kawahara The result of the 2024 Presidential election in Taiwan and the relationship between China and Taiwan Jan 2024

Yoshiaki Yano Bizarre, complicated conflicts in the Middle East --Their historical background and misinterpretation by the Great Powers Nov 2023

Seishiro Sugihara The Collapse of the “Rule of Law” in Japan Oct 2023

Tsukasa Shirakawa Promptly dissolve the Science Council of Japan (SCJ) in consideration of historical context Sep 2023

Kyoko Nishikawa The world without Prime Minister Abe and the current Japanese society Aug 2023

Haruka Ikeda Correct the Japanese Government’s view of the Nanjing Incident, based on the established facts Jul 2023

Satoru Nakamura The origin of the Meiji Restoration—Secret plan of Godai Hidetaka The Meiji Restoration started with the crisis in Okinawa Jun 2023

Yumiko Yamamoto Ending the “lies” about the comfort women with the joint efforts of Japan and South Korea May 2023

Kunitoshi Matsuki The acceptance of the “solution in the form of subrogation” for the mobilized workers issue means a defeat on the part of Japan Apr 2023

Jun Kuno On this occasion of the Ukrainian problem, Japan should solve its historical and territorial issues Mar 2023

Ken'ichi Sawada Leave the Ainu issue unattended and Hokkaido will become a second Ukraine Feb 2023

Shun'ichi Fujiki The United Nations: Distortions Common to the Macroscopic and Microscopic Perspectives 77 Years after the End of the Greater East Asia War Jan 2023

Takahiro Nonoda The Importance of Protection of Japanese Technologies as seen in the Standardization of Operating Systems and Japan-US Trade Relationship Dec 2022

Hiromichi Moteki On the Ukraine War Nov 2022

Tomoko Hifumi National Strategy for Japanese Language Education! Oct 2022

Shoichiro Kawahara A New View on the “Legal Status of Taiwan is Undetermined” Argument Sep 2022

Nobukatsu Fujioka The Issue of Japan’s Nuclear Armament and Lessons Learned from the Tongzhou Massacre Jul 2022

Yoshiaki Yano The necessity and possibility for Japan to possess nuclear forces on its own Jun 2022

Kunitoshi Matsuki The Government of Japan Must Deal with the Yoon Administration with a Firm Attitude May 2022